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Tag: divorce

Disgruntled man looking over his shoulder

How Can My Ex Be So Cold & Uncaring After 28 Years of Marriage?

I recently asked my social media audience to share some of the biggest challenges they’re having when it comes to divorce. Here’s a poignant response I received:“My biggest challenge has been understanding how my Ex can be so cold and uncaring after 28 years of marriage. Since our separation, he’s

grizzly bear with his hand over his eyes, looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders

Regrets, have a few? Here’s how to let them go

Once, I lost my life savings in a bad investment. My marriage was a trainwreck, even though I went into it thinking I did everything right. My first business failed . . . hard. I didn’t ask my grandparents enough questions before they died. I could go on. Is it

Group of happy people at a bowling alley

Ready to Reinvent Your Social Life After Divorce?

“What’s a good way to stop feeling left out in a world of couples? I’m heading to a picnic in a little while, party of one. At least I am going, proud of myself for that!”One of the members of my wonderful Thriving After Divorce Facebook group posted this a few weeks

Goldfish with a shark fin tied on its back

Fake Your Way to Real Change

A friend recently asked, “How can I be more confident?” The answer is to act “as if” you’re already a confident person. This results in more actual confidence. This can work with any quality you want to cultivate . .  .  happiness, kindness, productivity, acceptance, etc. Ask yourself, “What does

red fabric heart that's been ripped apart and stitched back up

How long does it take to get over a decades-long marriage?

This is a question I get frequently, and it’s understandable. When you’ve been married most or all of your adult life, the question of how long it’s going to take to get over it is top of mind. After being married for years, it’s natural to strongly identify yourself in