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Tag: Divorce support

Illustration of two heads, one with rain inside and one with sunshine inside

Use As Needed After Divorce: 15 Ways to Lift Your Mood

Sometimes a mood gets ahold of you, and you’re along for the ride until it passes. You’re especially vulnerable during divorce and its aftermath. Tough times and down days are part of the divorce experience. While it’s important to feel and process your feelings, there are some things you can

Illustration of head stuffed withgears

Are You Giving Your Ex Too Much Space in Your Head?

During a typical day, how much of your time is spent thinking about your Ex? Are they on your mind when you wake up? Do they pop in throughout the day? Are you ruminating for hours?It’s normal! You’ve been with this person for the better part of your adulthood. The

Appreciation Adjustment: Stop Deferring Happiness

Many of us suffer from the “I’ll be happy when …” syndrome. When I get over my divorce, lose weight, get a better job, finally meet my soul mate, retire—whatever it is, it stands in the way of being happy right now. But it doesn’t have to. If you’re constantly

statue of sad woman with her head in her hand

Going Gently Through the Grief of Divorce

My heart felt like an empty hole in my chest . . .I was in so much pain I could hardly breathe—was it a heart attack? Kind of, it was a broken heart. I was in tears on and off for days as grief washed over me in waves. Was

fingers with smiles penned on them, embracing each other

Kind is the New Happy

News of the nastiness we humans inflict on each other can leave you feeling heartbroken and powerless to impact what feels like a world gone mad. What can you do? While you and I may not be able to solve these overwhelming issues, we do control our own personal impact

The Secret to Clearing Divorce Guilt

Guilt and shame about divorce can permeate our lives like a fog that never quite lifts all the way, even years later. Those who leave second guess whether they tried hard enough. Those whose Ex initiated the split are left wondering what went wrong.“It’s six years after my divorce, and