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Tag: divorce stress

Illustration of two heads, one with rain inside and one with sunshine inside

Use As Needed After Divorce: 15 Ways to Lift Your Mood

Sometimes a mood gets ahold of you, and you’re along for the ride until it passes. You’re especially vulnerable during divorce and its aftermath. Tough times and down days are part of the divorce experience. While it’s important to feel and process your feelings, there are some things you can

statue of sad woman with her head in her hand

Going Gently Through the Grief of Divorce

My heart felt like an empty hole in my chest . . .I was in so much pain I could hardly breathe—was it a heart attack? Kind of, it was a broken heart. I was in tears on and off for days as grief washed over me in waves. Was

Figures stuck in circular loops

Are You Stuck in the Victim Loop?

Seeing yourself as the victim feels natural if your Ex cheated, lied, was a card-carrying narcissist, or an insufferable a-hole (or all of the above). But, sadly, labeling yourself a victim strips you of your power and piles pain on pain.Your Ex may have done terrible things and hurt you. Maybe,

stick figure of man and woman on a post it note that's ripping in half

Coping with the Pain of Divorce

Divorce hurts. Unfortunately, there’s no shortcut through the pain and process of divorce recovery. But, there are things you can do to support yourself in weathering the ups and downs with resilience. My Coping with the Pain of Divorce video can help. If you would rather read than watch, the transcript is
Alarm clock showing the time as 2:40 a.m.

Deb’s Foolproof Fall Asleep Trick!

Getting a night of good sleep is important to improving and maintaining good health. Frustratingly, there are many things that can impact sleep quality. Divorce-related stress can do a major number on your ability to sleep well. If you ever have trouble falling asleep or, like me, you wake up