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Author: admin

Appreciation Adjustment: Stop Deferring Happiness

Many of us suffer from the “I’ll be happy when …” syndrome. When I get over my divorce, lose weight, get a better job, finally meet my soul mate, retire—whatever it is, it stands in the way of being happy right now. But it doesn’t

fingers with smiles penned on them, embracing each other

Kind is the New Happy

News of the nastiness we humans inflict on each other can leave you feeling heartbroken and powerless to impact what feels like a world gone mad. What can you do? While you and I may not be able to solve these overwhelming issues, we do

heart in the center of a maze

Dating Smart After Divorce

Not surprisingly, smart dating after divorce requires a new approach. One that is reflective and thoughtful in a different way than you may have been before. It’s time to milk your marriage and divorce for information and take lessons from your experiences to make choices

wallpaper with repeating old-fashioned alarm clocks

Are You Wasting Precious Time?

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that there are no guarantees.  If we’re honest, our divorces taught us that too. Even as you get your life back on track after these major derailments, you may find yourself falling back into letting the time

Goldfish with a shark fin tied on its back

Fake Your Way to Real Change

A friend recently asked, “How can I be more confident?” The answer is to act “as if” you’re already a confident person. This results in more actual confidence. This can work with any quality you want to cultivate . .  .  happiness, kindness, productivity, acceptance,

Two people each holding a sign with one half of a broken heart

The Truth About Forgiving Your Ex: Top 4 Myths Busted

When the dust settles and you’re working on moving forward, forgiveness is the final act of wholly and completely recovering and healing from divorce.For many of us, it’s all too easy to hold on to bitterness, especially when it feels justified. Sadly, your bad feelings

Let’s Talk About Being Single on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can be tough when you’re single and don’t want to be. Check out Single on Valentine’s Day for a special three-minute video with three quick tips to reinvent Valentine’s Day and appreciate the benefits of being single. And, in case you would rather read it