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Tag: happier after divorce

Group of happy people at a bowling alley

Ready to Reinvent Your Social Life After Divorce?

“What’s a good way to stop feeling left out in a world of couples? I’m heading to a picnic in a little while, party of one. At least I am going, proud of myself for that!”One of the members of my wonderful Thriving After Divorce Facebook group posted this a few weeks

Goldfish with a shark fin tied on its back

Fake Your Way to Real Change

A friend recently asked, “How can I be more confident?” The answer is to act “as if” you’re already a confident person. This results in more actual confidence. This can work with any quality you want to cultivate . .  .  happiness, kindness, productivity, acceptance, etc. Ask yourself, “What does

Figures stuck in circular loops

Are You Stuck in the Victim Loop?

Seeing yourself as the victim feels natural if your Ex cheated, lied, was a card-carrying narcissist, or an insufferable a-hole (or all of the above). But, sadly, labeling yourself a victim strips you of your power and piles pain on pain.Your Ex may have done terrible things and hurt you. Maybe,

Two people each holding a sign with one half of a broken heart

The Truth About Forgiving Your Ex: Top 4 Myths Busted

When the dust settles and you’re working on moving forward, forgiveness is the final act of wholly and completely recovering and healing from divorce.For many of us, it’s all too easy to hold on to bitterness, especially when it feels justified. Sadly, your bad feelings don’t hurt your Ex, but

Happy, joyful woman

Why Women are Happier Than Men After Divorce

Divorce is life-altering for everyone, but research shows that women end up happier than men when it’s all said and done. In a 20-year study of 10,000 women and men, researchers at London’s Kingston University analyzed responses to common life milestones, including divorce. The survey asked participants to rate their

Stick figure with blue skies and sunshine in his brain

Five Minutes a Day to a Better Life: Easy & Fun Gratitude Tracker

Just five minutes a day of gratitude journaling provides a multitude of benefits backed up by research. Gratitude is good for everything from improved health, better sleep, and more energy to more happiness, less stress, more resilience and even better relationships. If gratitude is so good for us, why aren’t