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Something Gained: The Course

Deb Purdy booking a session

Are you ready to Use Your Divorce as a Springboard to
Your Best Life?

Just imagine how your life would change if the aftermath of divorce shifted from painful, shameful and disruptive to healing, peaceful and transformative.

Dear Divorced Friend:

Does any of the following sound familiar? If so, this course is for you!

  • Your divorce stirs up feelings of guilt, anger, resentment, blame, regret and/or shame.
  • You would love to rebuild your life with more peace, confidence and joy but you’re
    not sure how to get started.
  • Most encounters with your Ex leave you feeling anxious and drained.
  • You’re worried about how your divorce is affecting your kids.
  • You’re wondering what’s next for you and feeling overwhelmed.
  • You’re more than ready for practical tools you can use immediately to move forward
    and claim your new life.

Divorce may not be what you would have chosen for yourself or your family but it’s your reality.
Fortunately, you’re not alone.


What If You Could?

  • Use your divorce as a catalyst for transformation
  • Transform anger, regret and blame into peace, power and confidence
  • Interact with your Ex with grace and ease
  • Let go of your old “story” and create your next chapter with joy
  • Jump start your new and better life

How does that feel? Perhaps you think it’s impossible.
Let me assure you – it’s totally possible!
I should know, I’ve done it

Back in 2005, I was going through my own messy divorce. I was wallowing in a toxic cocktail of blame, anger, regret, shame, loss, failure and judgment. When I was in the depths, I experienced a tremendous shift. It dawned on me that my divorce was providing me with all the raw materials I needed to create my life the way I always wanted it.

What happened next was amazing—I reinvented my life to include more joy, love and fun. Now, my Ex and I work together cooperatively, and our kids reaped the benefit. Best of all, I’m not only at peace when it comes to my divorce, but I’m also grateful for all that I gained from the experience.

The process I went through was so powerful and transformational that I felt called to put it together to help others.

You Have the Power to Transform Your Life Too!

The response to my top-selling book, Something Gained: 7 Shifts to Be Stronger, Smarter & Happier After Divorce has been phenomenal. Some of my readers asked for more for support. I took the advice and insights that have helped my thousands of readers and turned them into an interactive six-part step-by-step course.

In it, you’ll find video sessions and workbooks filled with practical tools you can use immediately to improve your life, staring right now
PLUS, it includes several new interactive features and tons of new bonus content to help jumpstart your new life!

Here’s What You’ll Learn . . .

Session 1: Transforming Your Relationship to Divorce

You’ll Learn:

  • The single most important decision you can make to recover, heal and thrive after divorce
  • The latest “new thinking” on how to use your divorce to get on the fast-track to positive change
  • What’s wrong with our current divorce culture and how to reframe it for maximum healing and growth
  • The most common mistake people make after divorce and how to avoid it

Session 2: Transforming Your Intentions

You’ll Learn:

  • The most destructive, and most common, post-divorce mindset and how to release it
  • To tap into your secret “super powers” to create a life you’ll fall in love with
  • How to create powerful divorce intentions to get your power back

Session 3: Transforming Your Story

You’ll Learn:

  • If you are addicted to your “story” and how that could be holding you back
  • How to revise your story into an empowering tale that inspires you
  • The two most important tools you’ll need to reinvent your life
  • How to find the lessons and gifts of your divorce and use them to prepare for a successful
    relationship with your next partner

Session 4: Transforming Your Relationship with Your Ex/Helping Your Kids Thrive

You’ll Learn:

  • How to maintain your peace, clarity and confidence no matter what your Ex says or does
  • The most important things you can do for your kids to help them thrive after your divorce
  • How to handle a difficult relationship with your Ex
  • The three crucial steps to inner peace when it comes to your Ex
  • The worst post-divorce mistakes you can make with your kids and how to avoid them

Session 5: Transforming Your Conversations

You’ll Learn:

  • How to tame the voice in your head
  • How to teach your friends and family how to best support you
  • How to handle it when your family gets judgy or critical

Session 6: Transforming Your Life and Moving Forward

You’ll Learn:

  • How to set “inside-out goals” that light you up
  • How to use a powerful technique to make your dreams a reality
  • A fun and easy process to plan for changing your life that really works
  • And, how to find more joy in what’s happening now even as you pro-actively
    move toward what’s next

Here What Others Are Saying

“I would never have been able to get through my divorce as well as I did without Deb. Her empathy, caring and first-hand understanding of the pain of recovering from divorce comes through in the wisdom, tools and concepts she put into Something Gained. It inspired me to take the challenge of using my divorce to grow and bring myself to the place I want to be.” Linda, Corona del Mar, CA

“Deb has a way of creating a different way of thinking about divorce that let me envision, and then create, a much better life for myself. Something Gained allowed me to let go of the past and embrace my new life.” Elise, New York, NY

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the work you are doing. This is so needed. You are a gift!” Joy, Los Angeles, CA

“I am certain Deb’s work will continue to bless many as I have been blessed by it. This has changed my whole perspective in ways I didn’t expect, and I not only have peace with the past but so much energy for what I’m creating next.” Ellen, San Francisco, CA

Thanks for the mind shift and for the practical tools. This is life changing!”

Deb Purdy signing her book

One Chapter of Your Life is Over, the Rest of Your Story is Up to You!

When it comes to divorce, we all tend to feel some degree of shame. We don’t go into marriage planning on it going down in flames—no matter how it ended, there can be a lingering sense of failure. In fact, when you tell people you’re getting divorced, the first response is usually, “I’m sorry.”

After my divorce in 2005, I felt caught in an unstoppable current of guilt, shame and anger. I never expected to be in ranks of the divorced and it left me feeling powerless, alone and out of control. On one of my darkest days, I had a realization. It hit me that divorce is like getting a life “do-over” only now I had more experience and wisdom to work with.

You have a choice about how you want to use your divorce experience. You have the power to reinvent divorce for yourself in a way that makes you stronger, happier and more peaceful.

The response to my top-selling book, Something Gained: 7 Shifts to Be Stronger, Smarter & Happier After Divorce has been phenomenal. Some of my readers asked for more for support. I took the advice and insights that have helped my thousands of readers and turned them into an interactive step-by-step course.

Invest in Yourself!

Try it Risk Free! You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Buy now and you’ll have a full 30 days to review Something Gained: The Course. If you don’t find it helpful,
I’ll give you your money back—guaranteed.

Get Something Gained: The Course
One Payment of $1197 or
Three Monthly Payments of $400


By helping yourself, you’re helping others.
For every order, I will donate 10% to a nonprofit organization that exists to help families in need achieve and maintain self-sufficiency through housing, food, counseling, education, and other support services.